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Django : Accelerate the collection of static files on AWS S3

Posted on Fri 23 February 2024 in development

The problem

When we store the static files of a Django application on AWS S3, we generally use django-storages and boto3.

In this configuration, the collection of static files can be particularly slow. The reason for this is simple: all existing files are downloaded before being compared to determine whether or not they should be (re-)uploaded.

Collectfast offers a solution, but it doesn't work when file names contain hashes, which is the case when Whitenoise (for example), is part of the stack.

Here's how we've improved static file collection to make it up to 50x faster in this configuration.

The approach

The idea comes from the approach proposed here which consists of :

  1. collect static files locally
  2. then synchronise them on S3

The two disadvantages of this method are as follows:

  • You have to delete django-storages and go back to a traditional local backend storage.
  • You have to install and use the AWS cli for synchronisation.

We have therefore adapted this approach to counter these disadvantages, by overloading the collectstatic command so that it follows the following process:

  1. temporarily replace the storage backend with a classic local filesystem backend such as Django's ManifestStaticFilesStorage or Whitenoise's CompressedManifestStaticFilesStorage,
  2. run the native collectstatic (locally),
  3. detect the differences between the local static files just collected and those existing on S3,
  4. upload the files that need to be uploaded

The solution

The structure:

from django.contrib.staticfiles.management.commands.collectstatic import (
    Command as DjangoCollectStaticCommand,

class Command(DjangoCollectStaticCommand):

    def _force_file_system_storage(self):
        Replaces S3 static_files storage configured in settings
        by whitenoise (a full-featured local storage with compression and manifest)

    def _detect_differences(self) -> list(str):
        Compares local and remote manifest and returns differences

    def _sync_files_to_s3(self, diff_manifest_files: []):
        Iterates on files collected locally and (re-upload) them if needed

    def handle(self, **options):
        Overrides django's native command to collect static files locally and
        sync files to S3 afterwards
        with self._force_file_system_storage():
            ret = super().handle(**options)
        return ret

The context manager:

    def _force_file_system_storage(self):
        Replaces S3 static_files storage configured in settings
        by whitenoise (a full-featured local storage with compression and manifest)
        self._original_storage = self.storage
        backend = "whitenoise.storage.CompressedManifestStaticFilesStorage"
        self.storage = import_string(backend)()
        self.storage = self._original_storage

Detection of files to be (re-)synchronised:

    def _get_local_manifest(self) -> dict:
        """Open and return local manifest file (json) as dict"""
        with self.static_root.joinpath("staticfiles.json").open() as f:
            return json.load(f)

    def _get_remote_manifest(self) -> dict:
        """Open and return local manifest file (json) as dict"""
        with self.storage.open("staticfiles.json") as f:
            return json.load(f)

    def _detect_differences(self) -> list(str):
        Compares local and remote manifest and returns differences
        local_manifest = self._get_local_manifest()
        remote_manifest = self._get_remote_manifest()

        diff_manifest = {
            k: v
            for k, v in local_manifest["paths"].items()
            if remote_manifest.get("paths", {}).get(k, "") != v
        return list(diff_manifest.values())

Synchronisation of files:

    def _sync_files_to_s3(self, diff_manifest_files: []):
        Iterates on files collected locally and (re-upload) them if needed
        for file_path in self.static_root.rglob("*"):

            if file_path.is_dir():
                # It's a dir
                # => nothing to do

            relative_file_path = file_path.relative_to(self.static_root)
            if not any(
                str(relative_file_path).startswith(k) for k in diff_manifest_files
                # The file already exists remotely and doesn't have changed
                # => nothing to do

            # The file is new or has changed
            # => upload it
            with Path(file_path).open("rb") as f:
                self.storage.save(str(relative_file_path), f)

To go further

The version described below is deliberately simplified to make it easier to read. A more complete version must :

  • support Django's "dry run" option
  • offer an option to force global resynchronisation of all files
  • remove locally collected temporary static files
  • add logs

We have published the full version.