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RGOODS tech blog

Posted on Fri 09 February 2024 in misc

Who are we?

RGOODS is a Generosity accelerator. We help associations and NGOs by offering them innovative ways to increase their donor base and boost their resources. From solidarity e-commerce shops to online donation forms, we put all our expertise at their service to help them grow. to help them grow.

A major part of our business involves the development of SaaS software. To carry out these missions, we put together an experienced technical team that is passionate about its work and committed to providing our customers with the best possible tools.

Our customers are associations with a very strong social, medical and environmental impact, and we have a duty to share their values. Our team and our products are therefore designed to be : ethical, responsible, inclusive and open.

Why publish a technical blog?

Sharing is part of our DNA and open-source is part of our culture. We put this philosophy into practice by contributions to open-source projects, participation in technical conferences and hosting meetups.

What's more, we have both a love of things done well and a duty to deliver technical excellence (our customers are worth it). So we sometimes go into depth on certain subjects which, we think, deserve to be shared.

Without any pretence whatsoever, we see the publication of articles as a simple, constructive and natural way of participate in the community.

What can you expect from this blog?

We work across the entire traditional development chain for SaaS tools hosted in the cloud. Our favourite languages languages are Python Javascript, which we use mainly through Django, Wagtail and VueJS.

So it's likely that most of the articles on this blog will be on these topics.